24 Years of experience serving as a Sole or Senior Pastor of small to medium sized congregations. Regular responsibilities have included preaching twice on the Lord's Day, leading a midweek Bible study and prayer meeting, office-bearer training, leading a men's ministry, regular visitation and counseling of congregation members, moderating of Session meetings, and all the normal and expected duties of a Christian pastor.
Married to Melissa (Lisa) Dawn Moelker - 05/06/95. Blessed with 8 covenant children - Nathan Jeremiah, 28, 02/12/97, Benjamin Adriaan, 25, 06/20/99, David John, 22, 05/06/02, Hannah Christianna, 20, 05/26/04, Josiah Paul, 17, 08/22/07, Abigail Kathryn, 15, 09/29/09, Lydia Grace, 13, 05/10/11, and Caleb Richard Stephen, 10, 09/11/14. We are also the thankful grandparents of 3 grandchildren - Micah, Elanor, and baby in the womb.
Ministerial Member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, Presbytery of New Jersey. Ordained 12/03/00 in the Christian Reformed Church in North America.