A highly respected and recently retired Police Officer from the Tamil Nadu Police Department with 36 years of dedicated service. Specialized in traffic management, crime control, and maintaining law and order. Served in nearly 12 police stations across various locations and worked under the guidance of over 50 esteemed officers. A skilled leader known for guiding teams, handling complex tasks, and achieving goals efficiently. Recognized for a collaborative approach, strong work ethic, and commitment to excellence.
N3 Muthialpet
H3 Thiruvottiyur
E3 Teynampet
P3 Vyasarpadi
P6 Kodungaiyur
K1 Sembiam
H8 Thiruvottiyur
H5 New Washermenpet
G1 Vepery
Anti Vice Squad (AVS)
Police Training
Awards and Honors
Distinguished Service and Integrity