Competent and experienced biotechnologist with a solid academic background and a passion for using cutting-edge scientific technologies to address global issues. Equipped with knowledge of molecular biology, PCR testing, cell-based assays, laboratory operations, clinical research, genome editing (Drosophila), and scientific writing.
· Assisted in writing and editing educational articles ,video scripts and step-by-step solutions to questions primarily at the undergraduate level.
· Coordinated with stakeholders to gather feedback and iterated content based on based on recommendations resulting in higher content quality.
· Engaged with team members to refine content structure structure and flow, enhancing user comprehension and satisfaction.
· Managed multiple writing projects , prioritizing tasks to meet deadlines without compromising quality.
· Performed Drosophila genetic experiments, including fly crosses and stock maintenance.
· Conducted CRISPR/Cas9 guide RNA plasmid injections into 300 embryos of strain containing PhiC31-integrase and a docking site of the user’s choice and scoring the transformants and balancing.
· Involved in injecting dual-gRNA in ~300 embryos from appropriate Cas9 flies, G0 crosses, PCR based screening, sequence confirmation and balancing mutant flies.
· Used molecular biology based methods to clone DNA in vectors and was involved in high throughput molecular screening.
Assisted in training programs for students and trainees during the year.
· Assisted in teaching undergraduate biology courses and labs.
· Assisted in the development of course materials for 4 undergraduate biology courses.
· Tutored 50+ students , leading to an average improvement of one letter grade in course scores.
· Managed grading for assignments and setting up question papers for their final examinations.
· Supervised 2 graduate students’ research projects.
ALIA BIOSYS, Chennai, Clinical Trials involving bioactive Amino acids & oligopeptides of very low molecular weight in 'Endocrine responses to the oral ingestion of a physiological dose of essential amino acids'